Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Role of Human Resource Development in Orgainisation

Question: Senior HRD management must understand the variety of individual learning demands of their staff before they can design effective training, learning and development interventions. Critically justify this statement using your conceptual knowledge of learning theories and case? Answer: Introduction Nowadays organizations look at the human resource as a useful asset that can provide sustainable growth opportunities to the organization. This acts as a strategic competitive advantage to the business and organization is said to be effectively oriented towards the business (HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT, 2015). This aspect not only looks towards managing the workforce but also looks forward to increase the work life balance of the employees as well. Human resource development can also be defined as set of intentional activities which can improve an employees skills and abilities to perform more effectively in the organization. This also provides a planned platform to the people in the organization to develop more certainty toward results outcomes. Human Resource Development has a strategic role to play to apply contributing values to enhance the performance of business (Mavin, 2015). The Role of the Senior HRD in Identifying the Needs of the Employees of the Organization One of the most important things that needs to be kept in mind is that effective learning and development is needed to ensure that the employees meet their responsibilities in the organization. Not only training and development plays an important role but learning is also essential to provide the organization with added values. Some organizations that need to improve the productivity and stability of their business apart from whatever they receive during the training process (de Silva, 2015). The companies must be uniqueness in their approaches so as to view the orientations of the company. It is essential to identify and analyze all the learning that the employees receive and development objectives in order to sustain all the facts and views in an organization. It must be ensured by the senior HRD, that all the employees of the organization are attaining maximum productivity in terms of the work done by them and the level of satisfaction been derived from their workplace. It is also important to denote that all the strategies which are initiated in the company are positively linked to the overall objectives of the organization as well. It is the duty of the HRD to ensure that the goals of the organization are met keeping in alignment to the mission and vision statement of the company. What is meant by Evaluation of Learning and Development? This can be described as a systematic process for the collection and evaluation of the necessary information that is required to be introduced in the training program. This involves a variety of activities that are necessary to be implemented along with the training process. This also allows the managers to follow a set of guidelines that can be used to form a training schedule that can be implemented (Briggs, 2015). The process of evaluation also helps in implementing and regulating the policies so that objectives of the organization can be achieved and transformed along with the transformation of the corporate objectives of the company. It is very important to portray all the learning objectives along with a benchmark that are to be set along with corporate objectives. The evaluation process tries to maintain parity between the internal and the external process so as to enhance the functioning of the organization. What is the Purpose of Training Needs Assessment in an organization? It is very important to understand the reason and the type of training that is to be given to the employees in an organization. It is also notified that which areas of behavior are to be actually noticed upon. This highlights what an organization expects out from a candidate and seeks to comply with the organizational standards in terms of roles, values and behavior (de Silva, 2015). The need for training arises when we need to identify the performance gap within an employee and then suggest him with necessary feedback on how to improve them. The gap is significant in terms of organizational benchmark and in terms of what an employee develops or possess in himself that are required to perform in the organization. It is said that training can check all the performance gaps and can enhance those gaps once they are identified the process of training also involves various opportunities that are related to organization strengths and weaknesses (de Silva, 2015). All the strengths are required to be implemented in a positive way seeking better prospects of organization growth and development. Whereas the weakness part need to controlled and checked and necessary steps are to be taken to eradicate them. Why is evaluation of learning and development activities needed in an organization? The training and development programmes include high cost of implementation. Thus when any training and development programme is to be incorporated, it must be kept in mind that employees must look-up to it. Through these programmes the company seeks to attain the goals and objectives of the organization (VemiĆ¡, 2015). Once an employee is being trained according to the rules and regulations of the company, he is expected to deliver favorable results and outcomes. This is done so that the expectations of the company are met and the professional standards of the work are maintained. This is the sole reason why training is being imparted to the employees as well as the managers. Once an employee gets proficient with the overall system of the company he is expected to adapt to the changes and give their maximum to the effectiveness of the organization (Jain, 2015). The importance of training mainly caters to three main perspectives among the stakeholders: Organizations should involve training programmes after the needs of such programmes have been assessed and this can lead to activities and enhance the growth and development. This is required by the organizations so that they can help in making decisions about interventions in the future (Shepherd, 2015). It is also important to note that which employees should seek training needs and it is ensured necessarily by the company that only those persons are been provided training with by the company. It is also expected from the trained employees to generate more outcomes in terms of productivity and profitability as well It is also necessary to give feedback to the facilitators as and when required. This proves as an evidence to the fact that training been given is providing a cause and effect relationship as well for the employees and organization (Noe, 2015). The feedback that is been given must be taken as a positive way and should be acted upon to do the necessary changes been asked. Evaluation process also helps the trainers to remain independents in terms of organizational interfaces. They can develop themselves only by implementing the feedbacks given to them. Benefits of Integrated Learning and Development associated with HR This is the most important step where all the plans and actions of management are linked and integrated along with human resource development. This can be attained by adopting a coherent approach that is necessary to be developed so that it allows the learning strategies to be developed and mapped along with the people management strategies so that organization goals and objectives are attained. This approach also simplifies the processes and seeks to remove the duplication of efforts (Learning and development, 2015). This approach is better known as the people management process where all the employees along with their managers are well known and aware about the day to day operational activities. This helps to develop roles and responsibilities of individuals so that the HR processes can be linked and adjusted along with business development plans and objectives. This also promotes effective provision to learn and develop and build coherent objectives as well. Human Resource Management Information System (HRMIS) is another approach linked with strategic business development in a business. This process approaches better prospects of learning and development in the workplace so that all the necessary information can be monitored and reported back to the organization. Learning and development acts as an important input to develop the needs in the organization. This also helps to enhance the decision making policy of the business as well (Human Resource Management Information System, 2015). An effective example can strongly withstand the statement. Brainstorming is an effective group technique approach that helps to analyze and understands the behavior of employees and imparts training as and when required. This process involves formation of small groups that are asked to briefly analyze about the problem being identified and then necessary points are depicted by the facilitator to solve that particular issue. There is a strict time frame according to which the task is to be done. Conclusion To conclude it can be said from the evaluation of the statements that training interventions are very much essential in order to meet the organizational standards. A cultural issue is raised by the managers and employees about what changes are required to be implemented in the organization and at which particular time it is to be implemented (Sharma, 2015). It is also important to verify that how the employees are performing and is being a part of the following training interventions that has been made. Personal development plans are also required so that individuals can grow personally and professionally in terms of its business. This also creates a distinct competitive edge to select and develop highly motivated and skilled staff so as to ensure higher levels of productivity and growth for the company as well as the employees. References Briggs, L. (2015).Evaluating Learning and Development(1st ed.). Retrieved from de Silva, S. (2015).DEVELOPING THE TRAINING ROLE OF AN EMPLOYERS' ORGANIZATION(1st ed.). Retrieved from de Silva, S. (2015).HUMAN RESOURCES DEVELOPMENT FOR COMPETITIVENESS: A PRIORITY FOR EMPLOYERS(1st ed.). Retrieved from HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT. (2015) (1st ed.). Retrieved from Human Resource Management Information System. (2015) (1st ed.). Retrieved from Jain, S. (2015).Facilitating continuous learning: A review of research and practice on individual learning capabilities and organizational learning environments(1st ed.). Retrieved from Learning and development. (2015) (1st ed.). Retrieved from Mavin, P. (2015).The evaluation of learning and development in the workplace(1st ed.). Retrieved from Noe, R. (2015).Employee Training and Development(1st ed.). Retrieved from Sharma, D. (2015).MANAGEMENT TRAINING DEVELOPMENT(1st ed.). Retrieved from Shepherd, D. (2015).Training and Development (T D): Introduction and Overview(1st ed.). Retrieved from VemiĆ¡, J. (2015).EMPLOYEE TRAINING AND DEVELOPMENT AND THE LEARNING ORGANIZATION(1st ed.). Retrieved from

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